Last updated in December 2024
Peer-reviewed papers
Tomasiello, D. B., Vieira, J. P., Parga, J. P. F. A., Servo, L. M. S., Pereira, R. H. M. (2023). Racial and income inequalities in access to health in Brazilian cities. Journal of Transport & Health. [link][Download]
Vieira, J. P. B., Pereira, R. H. M., & Andrade, P. R. (2023). Estimating public transport emissions from General Transit Feed Specification data. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment.[link][Download]
Vieira, J.P.B., Vieira Braga, C. K., & Pereira, R. H. M. (2022). The impact of COVID-19 on air passenger demand and CO2 emissions in Brazil. Energy Policy, 164, 112906. [link][Download]
Pereira, R. H. M., Andrade, P. R., & Vieira, J. P. B. (2022). Exploring the time geography of public transport networks with the gtfs2gps package. Journal of Geographical Systems. [link][Download]
Working papers and reports
Pereira, R. H. M., Vieira, J.P. (2024). Trends and Inequalities of Urban Mobility in Brazil III: The Use of Active Mobility. Working Paper 3024. Ipea - Institute for Applied Economic Research. [link][Download][In portuguese]
Tomasiello, D.B., Vieira, J.P., Parga, J.P., Servo, L.M, Pereira, R. H. M. (2023). Racial and income inequalities in access to health in Brazilian cities. Working Paper 2832. Ipea - Institute for Applied Economic Research.[link][Download][In portuguese]
Pereira, R. H. M., Herszenhut, D., Braga, C. K. V., Vieira, J.P., Oliveira, J. L. A. O., Parga, J.P., Saraiva, M., Silva, L.P., Tomasiello, D.B., Warwar, L. (2022) Spatial distribution of sociodemographic characteristics and public services in the 20th major cities of Brazil. Working Paper 2772. Ipea - Institute for Applied Economic Research. [link][Download][In portuguese]
Pereira, R. H. M., Parga, J. P., Saraiva, M., Vieira, J. P., Tomasiello, D., Silva, L. P., Nadalin, V. G., Barbosa, R. J. (2022). TD 2802: Urban form and sustainable mobility: evidences from Brazilian cities. [link][Download][In portuguese]
Pereira H.M.R., Warwar L., Parga J., Vieira J.P.B., Braga C.K., Herszenhut D. and Saraiva M. (2021). TD 2673: Trends and inequalities of urban mobility in Brazil I: the use of public and individual transport. [link][Download][In portuguese]
Moreira, H.J.; Vieira, J.P.B.; Dittert, L.F.; Miranda, A.C.M.; Reck,Y.B. Temporary infrastructure for active mobility: Cycle mobility solutions to adapt the streets in the fight against the pandemic. UCB & Cicloiguaçu. Curitiba, 2020. [link][Download][In portuguese]
Book Chapters and Reports
Miranda, A.C. and Vieira J.P.B.(2020).The use of bicycles in the context of urban mobility. p.335 In: Urban mobility: a multidisciplinary approach. Ed. by Cristina Araújo Lima. Curitiba: UFPR. ISBN: 978-65-86233-02-5 [In portuguese]
Belloto, J.C. A., Nakamori, S. and Vieira, J.P.B. (2020). Public institutions and traffic sources: practices to encourage sustainable mobility at UFPR and CELEPAR. In: Brazilian public management: inovation and network sustainability. Ed. by Villac, T. v. 1, p. 203-221 [In portuguese]
Congress papers
Vieira, J.P.B, Errera M.R., and Daemme L.C. (2019). Air pollutants modeling using bottom-up vehicular emissions inventory. At 25th ABCM International Congress of Mechanical Engineering. [link]
Vieira, J.P.B., and Almeida, R.C. (2016). Flow regionalization using Neural Artificial Networks RBF. 1st Symposium of Numerical Methods in Engineering [In portuguese]
Gasparovic, C. L. M.; Ostroski, A. ; Vieira, J. P. B. ; Errera, M. R. . Elementary Constructal Design of a carbon capture systems based on carbonation over fly ashes.. In: Constructal Law & Second Law Conference 2019 CLC 2019, 2019, Porto Alegre. Proceedings of Constructal Law & Second Law Conference - CLC - 2019. Porto Alegre: Unisinos Porto (Brazil), 2019. v. 1. p. 184-187
R packages
gtfs2emis: Estimating public transport emissions from GTFS data [link]. [Autor]
gtfs2gps: Converting GTFS data to GPS format. [link]. [Autor]
vein: Vehicular Emissions Inventories. Version 0.9.4. [link]. [Contributor]