
João Pedro Bazzo Vieira

I am a PhD student in Transportation Engineering at the University of Toronto, working in the Positive Zero Transport Futures Lab. My research focuses broadly on understanding how urban policies and technologies influence human mobility, air quality, and vehicle emissions. Outside academia, I enjoy trail running—far from pollution.

I am passionate about the interface between transport and the environment. Research questions such as “If we switch vehicle technologies and/or change the way we plan our cities, how would our air quality/emission levels look like? How would we measure them?” are very compelling to me.

In my prior RA position at the Institute for Applied Economic Research (IPEA), in Brazil, I primarily worked in the Access to Opportunities Project (AOP), and with sustainable transportation-related projects. I’ve been developing an R package to estimate vehicle emissions package based on GTFS data, with Rafael Pereira and Pedro Andrade (INPE). In the AOP, I have been involved with studies related to the impact of urban form on mobility in Brazilian urban areas, the profile of active mobility in Brazil, as well as with racial inequalities in the access to health opportunities in Brazil.

Prior to moving to the IPEA, I completed a Master’s degree in Environmental Engineering at the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), supervised by Prof. Marcelo Errera. In the study, I proposed an integration between transport and emissions model, in order to evaluate the impact of different urban mobility policies on overall emissions levels.


M.S. 2020
Environmental Engineering
Federal University of Paraná
B.S. 2016
Environmental Engineering
Federal University of Paraná\


Email: joao.bazzo@gmail.com, joao.bazzo@mail.utoronto.ca
Linkedin: @jpbazzo
Twitter: @joaopbazzo
Github: github.com/joaobazzo
Scholar: scholar.google.com/citations?user=PzTx0YYAAAAJ
